Getting here by bus or coach
Surrey has an excellent accessible bus network, allowing you to get around Surrey in a sustainable way. There are various bus companies running services across the county. Learn more about bus services in Surrey
We work with Arriva buses to produce a leaflet '50 Places to Visit around Guildford and Woking', you can download it from our Maps page. It provides all the places around Guildford and Woking that you can get to via the Arriva bus routes.
Take advantage of Guildford’s four Park and Ride facilities. Park and Ride offers a hassle free way of getting to the centre of Guildford. Park for free and pay the bus driver. Maps showing the locations of the Park and Ride sites and further information on times and fares are available on the Guildford Park and Ride Leaflet.
For other information about coach parking and coach drop off see our Practical Information for Visiting with a group.
Useful links for Bus travellers
- Real time passenger information – provides live information about the arrival of services at bus stops across the county.
- Traveline south east offers a great service for anyone wishing to plan their door to door bus journey through Surrey.
- Visit National Express to check information and buy tickets for journeys through Surrey.